Our worship services are an encounter with God – a chance for us to offer ourselves, our praise, and our concerns to God, and an opportunity for God to be present among us, transforming us into God’s image.
During worship we are led in prayer and scripture readings, and we hear a sermon. In our English-language assemblies, both men and women may read scripture and pray aloud. The congregation joins in a cappella singing (no instruments other than our voices) and responsive scripture readings. We take part in communion (also called the Lord’s Supper), a time when we eat unleavened bread and drink grape juice or wine as a way to remember the body and blood of Jesus. We do this not seated in pews but face to face, but gathered around a set of tables. It is a time of communion with our Savior, yes, but also with one another, so don’t be surprised by the offer of a handshake or hug or someone asking your name and welcoming you. You can read here about why we take communion the way we do.
Our worship may also include prayer requests, baptisms, commitments from new individuals joining our body of believers, and blessings for babies and their families. Several times each year we will have a bilingual service, celebrating together in both English and Spanish.
Our Elders and Ministers welcome the opportunity to listen and pray with you about your needs as well as answer any inquiries about our faith and our practices. Please reach out, either at the end of services, or via our online visitor card or prayer request page, or phone or email to make your needs known to us.
Our worship services are Sunday mornings at 10:30. English-language services are in the main auditorium and Spanish-language services are in our chapel.
We offer a Zoom connection to our services for those who are unable to attend in person. If you want to attend virtually, please request the Zoom link. We believe Sunday worship is a community practice. Therefore, we hope that if you are joining us virtually, you will interact with others before and after services--just like you would if attending in person.
Children are a vital part of our worship. We love to hear them sing and see them read scripture. We want our kids to learn from all of us how to, and the value of, worship. We know we will hear children and we rejoice in their presence among us. Yes, we know they get squiggly--so we provide activity books for preschool children at the back of the auditorium. And, if you need a time to focus, we also have a nursery for children under three years old. Just ask directions and we will point the way. And hang aroung after services to see the joy these children have in each other and the love they get from their church family.
Finally, here is some other information we’ve learned people are curious about before they visit.
We agree with Jesus when he said, “Do not worry about what you wear.” We are not concerned with how you dress when you visit. You will notice that our congregants dress in a variety of ways, some in their “Sunday best,” some as they do for work, and others in jeans. We do ask that all dress modestly. Please don’t dress to display your wealth or your body in such a way as it might distract fellow worshippers.
We also gather at 9:30am for Bible study. There are classes for both adults and children. You’ll find our adult classes to be interesting and challenging; your children will glean Biblical precepts from their Bible class time
Many of our congregants arrive early and stay late to visit with one another, and we encourage you to do the same so that you can get to know us.
We also take up a weekly offering as an opportunity for our congregants to contribute to the financial needs and work of the congregation. However, we do not pass offering plates. Instead, congregants’ monetary gifts are submitted electronically or deposited in collection plates at the exits of the auditorium. We do not expect visitors to contribute to this offering.
You are free to sit anywhere you’d like when you come.
If you have scrolled this far and still not found answers to your questions, please fill out our virtual visitor card and let us know how we can help.