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Rulers should “be wise” and “serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.” Ps. 2:10-11. The Psalmist warns them to do this instead of “ris[ing] up . . . against the Lord” and “plotting” against Him. Likewise, nations should not “conspire” (or “rage,” as Septuagint-based translations render this verb). Ps. 2:1-2.

When confronted with such unsettling events, “all who take refuge” in the Lord’s son should remember that they are “blessed.” Ps. 2:11-12 (originally referring to Israel’s anointed ruler). In their time, Apostles Peter and John interpreted Psalm 2 as a reference to David’s descendant Jesus of Nazareth. Ac. 4:25-29. In response to the threats then faced by the early Christian community, they prayed for “great boldness.” And God answered their prayer. Ac. 4:29-31.

In our time, against the noisy backdrop of raging plotters, we should recall Psalm 2’s promise and pair it with the calming assurance of the royal sheep-protector David: “The Lord is my shepherd.” Recognizing His abiding presence, even in “the darkest valley,” we, like David, should “fear no evil.” Ps. 23:1, 4.

I know of at least one example in literature or music that interweaves Psalms 2 and 23. In the second movement of Chichester Psalms, Leonard Bernstein (who also composed West Side Story) creates a soundscape in which the shepherd’s calm confidence in God’s provision floats above his raging surroundings. I’m thinking about this rare pairing in connection with an upcoming live musical performance; let me know if you’d like details. You can hear an excerpt here (with words in the original Hebrew of the Psalms).

Speaking of singing, “Gathered Singers,” our new bilingual small group to promote and improve congregational singing, recently met for the first time. We plan to continue assembling about once per month, usually on the third Sunday. Generally, in these sessions we’ll sing in English and Spanish, improve our singing techniques, advance our knowledge about reading music, and enjoy a period of fellowship. Our next gathering is scheduled for noon, March 23, in our meetinghouse’s auditorium. Contact me for more information.

-    Lloyd