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Ephesians 4:32 reads:
"Be kind to one another, compassionate, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”

One key part of that kindness to one another, a way to show your compassion and your love for each other, is to spend time together as family. Sharing in the joys, challenges,
celebrations, and tragedies of this life is a special blessing that we should all be able to share with our brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Last week, Lloyd provided all of us with an exciting update about small groups, and we are all looking forward to celebrating the different ways that our family gathers in love for fellowship, for spiritual growth and to serve God and our community. I hope that many of you have dug into the articles that he referenced, or are studying and reading about this important topic yourselves. We already have some wonderful examples of these groups that meet in-person or online (or both), our “Young Professionals” group, the Reading Circle, Men’s and Women’s groups of our Spanish-speaking members, Day Four and others. While these are great groups and they are meeting the needs of some of our members, we understand that our congregation is so much bigger and more diverse than just these groups can serve.

You may be thinking “why do I need a small group?”, or “I would love a small group if only there was one that ______”, maybe you are thinking “that sounds like a lot of work
or time”. Let me assure you, we all need Christian fellowship, gathering with the family of Christ with whom we share a Father in Heaven, and a Brother in Christ. Walking alone as a Christian can be lonely and difficult, and I believe that is why the scripture paints a picture of the church as a body, united and whole with all parts existing together. We are to be that body of Christ, united and whole, serving Him and loving
one another just as He loves us.

Chess, Grant, and I are working together to try to identify and form/support the small groups that our church needs at this time. We are in the process of strengthening the
groups we have, and identifying the groups we need, and the people to participate in and lead them. If you aren’t sure where to begin, or if you want to know what groups
are being formed, or how to get involved with one that is already meeting, please contact me directly, and I will work with Chess and Grant to help.

As Lloyd promised, there will be more to follow. As we get more people interested, build more groups, and those groups start to impact our ministry, our lives and our
community...stay tuned.
